Launch The Future Of Your Business

IoT is Your Way Forward

What if Your Industry Embraced IoT?

With IoT, communication inspires confidence, data brings power, and machines become partners. It’s time for your industry to get everyone on-board and everything online

From farms to factories, offshore sites to mega cities, smart technology brings people, places, and things together.

Iristel IoT For Industries And Enterprises

Energy & Resources

Government & Military

Smart Agriculture

Connected Factories & Buildings

Smart Cities

Transportation & Logistics

Energy & Resources

(Oil, Gas, & Mining)

Efficiently manage people, machines, and systems in rugged, hard-to-reach areas. Remote monitoring and predictive maintenance help heavy industries expose operational inefficiencies, prevent machine breakdowns, and protect workers by analyzing data in real-time.


Government & Military

Enhance police operations and border patrols reacting to threats and keep communities safe. Powered by vehicle tracking systems and mesh networking radios, improve tactical team response to emergency scenarios with speed, agility, and need-to-know insights.


Smart Cities 

Smart grids spark civic pride and promote public safety by conserving energy, regulating repairs, and shortening response times in emergencies. IoT solutions help urban planners automate and monitor services in everything from parks to buildings, and parking lots to street lights.


Smart Agriculture

Maximize production and lower costs at every stage by using soil-monitoring sensors, advanced weather predictors, and self-driving combines. Future-ready farmers can increase transparency, relieve social pressure, generate greater yields, and limit the use of pesticides by embracing precision farming.

Connected Factories & Buildings

Significantly reduce delays and accelerate every stage of production. IoT solutions replace cost-draining resources with simple, inexpensive, and automated data collection solutions. Make manufacturing easier, faster, and safer by connecting equipment and monitoring your workforce.

Transportation & Logistics

Harness data-driven solutions on land and sea. Track fleets with geo-location technology to ensure transported goods arrive intact, on time and under-budget. Monitor inventories and storage infrastructure environments to maintain the quality of transported goods and reduce losses.