What makes us different in all the best ways?

Our Price Guarantee

Our Price Guarantee

At Iristel, the price you sign up for is the price you pay. It’s guaranteed for two years, so there are no price increases or resets like at the other guys.

No Up Front Costs

No Up Front Costs

The price you see is the price you get. This makes switching an easy decision. Simple as that.

Unlimited Usage

Unlimited Usage

Whether you’re gaming, streaming, surfing or just chatting up a storm, be rest assured that you’ll never incur additional charges with our unlimited plans. We’ve got speeds for every need to ensure you get the experience you deserve. Also, here’s what you should know.

Customer Care Is Always There

Customer Care Is Always There

At Iristel, our entire team is dedicated to providing the best possible experience. From pre-install check-ins to ensure optimal performance for your home, to post-install check-ins to ensure we’ve met expectations, we’re always there to meet your needs.

The savings are real.

Ready to get started?

If you have any further questions contact us


Vous n’êtes pas décidé sur le forfait qui vous convient?

Voici des éléments qui peuvent vous aider.

Light Usage

Light Usage


25 / 10 mbps



2 à 3 dispositifs


1 à 2 utilisateurs

Ideal for small occupancy households with regular streaming.

Moderate Usage

Moderate Usage


75 / 10 mbps



4-6 dev


2-3 use

Great for regular downloading of movies and music, streaming and regular gaming.

Heavy Usage

Heavy Usage


100+ / 75 mbps



7+ devices


4+ users

Ideal for streaming, gaming, video uploading for a high occupancy household.

Have any questions?

We’d love to hear from you!

Call us at 1-833-IRISTEL